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Chrysanthemums (mums) are one of the most popular fall garden flowers. Most mum plants are easy to grow with their basic needs being full sun, rich soil, good drainage, and good air circulation. There are hundreds of varieties available in a range of shapes and sizes that can provide blooms from late summer through fall. Chrysanthemums symbolize different things in different countries: life and rebirth in Asia, sympathy in Europe, and respect and honor in America.



Paradiso Pink garden mum. Photo by: Proven Winners.


5-9 (some varieties to zone 4).


Varieties 1-3 feet/1-2 feet

Flower Color:

Chrysanthemum flowers bloom in a range of colors in shades of white, yellow, orange, lavender, purple, or red; as well as bicolor flowers.


They prefer full sunlight during the growing season. Not enough sunlight will result in a weaker plant that produces fewer flower heads. However, blooms will last longer if they are moved to a shadier spot after flower buds develop.


Mums prefer rich, well-drained soil. A good rule of thumb is if the soil is good for vegetables, it's good for mums.

Bloom Time:

September to frost. Known as short-day plants, flowering is triggered by the shorter days in late summer and early fall.



    2023 Bob's Discount Plants 

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